Hormone Replacement Therapy for Women​

Hormone Replacement Therapy for Women

Say goodbye to suffering from the symptoms of hormone deficiency with our hormone replacement program for women. Our unique treatment approach to HRT can help to turn back the hands of time and restore your hormone levels to their optimal ranges. Symptoms such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and mood swings are common symptoms of menopause. HRT for women can help reduce these symptoms and help you feel more like yourself again.

What are the Symptoms of Menopause and Hormone Deficiency in Women?

Women of all ages can suffer from symptoms of hormone deficiency. Common symptoms of hormone deficiency include:

  • Loss of libido
  • Fatigue
  • Weight gain or slowed metabolism
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Hot flashes and night sweats
  • Sleep changes
  • Mood swings and irritability
  • “Brain fog” and difficulty concentrating or remembering things
  • Abnormal or absent menstrual cycles
What makes Underground Strength and Wellness different from other clinics who prescribe HRT for Women?​

What makes Underground Strength and Wellness different from other clinics who prescribe HRT for Women?

Our nurse practitioners specialize in bioidentical hormone replacement for women. Our unique approach to HRT focuses on optimization of all 3 female hormones, as well as addressing thyroid issues.

Our goal is to make each patient feel like the best version of themselves; we focus on how each patient is responding to treatment, rather than solely relying on lab values. Rather than suffering from the ups and downs of creams and pellets, we utilize weekly injection therapy for HRT. This type of HRT makes hormones 100% bioavailable to the body, delivers a consistent level of hormones each week, has few side effects, and has easily adjustable dosing.

Who is a Candidate for HRT for Women?

If you are suffering from symptoms of hormone deficiency, we recommend scheduling a consultation with our nurse practitioner, as well as having your hormone levels checked to determine which treatments are right for you.

Interested in getting Hormone Replacement Therapy? Contact to learn more!

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